Spay and Neuter for Dogs and Cats in Sanford

Every year, millions of unwanted pets are euthanized as a result of pet overpopulation, according to the ASPCA. Many shelters are already filled to capacity, and there are new strays brought in to other shelters every day. The good news is, you can help reduce the pet overpopulation by simply having your dog and cat spayed or neutered. These procedures are among the most commonly performed surgeries at animal hospitals all over the country, due to the many benefits they provide.
Just as with every other soft tissue surgery we perform at Myres Animal Hospital in Sanford, we make our patients’ safety and comfort a #1 priority. We also abide by strict surgical care guidelines and use advanced monitoring equipment and techniques. For post-surgical pain management and healing, we use laser therapy, which stimulates healing at a cellular level.
Benefits of Dog and Cat Spaying and Neutering
Here are some of the many reasons you should spay/neuter your pet:
- As mentioned above, you can reduce the burden of pet overpopulation and number of unwanted pets that are euthanized.
- Spaying eliminates the heat cycle for females, which means you won’t have to deal with the constant crying and other undesirable behaviors associated with it.
- Spaying before the first heat eliminates the risk of breast cancer in females.
- Neutering can prevent marking, humping, aggression, and other unwanted behaviors in males.
- Neutering prevents testicular cancer in males.
When to Spay or Neuter Your Dog and Cat
Typically, we recommend that you spay/neuter your dog or cat between 8 weeks and 6 months of age. However, keep in mind that the exact age recommendation is based on the breed of the pet. We can let you know our recommendations for YOUR puppy/kitten at their first visit to our hospital.
Possible Weight Gain
In some cases, yes, pets can gain weight after being spayed or neutered, due to a decreased metabolism. But of course, just as with humans, if you simply monitor your pet’s diet and ensure they have enough exercise opportunities, you can prevent their weight gain. We can let you know how many calories we recommend a day during your pet’s wellness visit. Call 919-775-2258 to schedule an appointment.